Thursday, March 25, 2010

Michael Jackson's This is it

I am not a consistent fan of the late Michael Jackson's music. I also did not expect him to be carried off in such untimely fashion either. I expected him to be around for a long time yet, and once every few years, he would come out with a hauntingly beautiful song that would call to me.

When This is it was released, I did not rush to see it. Many months later, stuck on a long trans-Atlantic flight, I finally saw the movie. I was struck again by Jackson's awesome command of stagecraft, exacting the minutest detail in musical arrangement, dance routine, entry cue, etc. that made him legend.

It also struck me that, three weeks before his comeback 50-concert tour, Jackson might have looked very thin and overworked. But at no point could anyone have thought he'd go to sleep that night and never wake again.

Many Jackson songs were featured in the movie; most of them would bring back good memories.

The one I won't ever forget is this.


Johnny Malkavian said...

I was just sharing with a friend today that at the very least, Michael's passing will finally see him at rest. No more suffering, no more pain.

We'll all miss him so, so much though.

sinlady said...

jm - yes. and i am surprised how much i really miss having him around.

wildgoose said...

I must really get round to seeing the movie.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - you must! the movie is amazingly well put together. none of the off stage personal stuff.

and you would feel for all those dancers who made the selection rounds and never got the chance to even do one performance with jackson.

the trailer to the movie:

zewt said...


never thought it will be a good movie. tot it was just a money making ploy. but it was good, though i think there were a few songs where they override it with actual song play.

sinlady said...

zewt - i am just glad it was not a cheap money making ploy.