Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You got fine!

Call me picky and prickly, but I must protest against the way some of our front line staff talk to their customers.

I know I am returning the DVD rentals late. I know there is a late penalty to pay. So, please, couldn't the silly twat just ask for the payment in neutral fashion by saying, "There is a late payment fee of $XX"?

Instead, she said, "You must pay a fine of $XX for returning this late"!

It never fails to amaze me that businesses lose their customers and never even know why.


Johnny Malkavian said...

Rent a place, do it up, buy a whole bunch of dvds, hire the lowest costing staff you can find who are still minimally competent in running the place, and this is what you'll get.

Might I suggest the Apple TV? More shows than the neighbourhood DVD shops can hope to stock in their lifetime, with access to youtube and movie trailers to boot. I'll even help you set it up if you're getting it.

Anonymous said...
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sinlady said...

jm - that's a thought. thanks! i'll look for you when i get around to appletv.

dancingbunny said...

in singapore the service industry never fail to disappoint

sinlady said...

bunny - *sigh*

Anonymous said...

haha.. yah i return my dvds late too. but luckily the boys are always polite and friendly in the east - EDPJ

imp said...

i is no rent dvds. no hassle of dealing with all these. i is use AppleTV and SOME legal downloads. alot of cable and Mio.

sinlady said...

edpj - lucky you! the girls working the store i use are competent enough; i just wish they know what they are saying.

imp - good choices :) i am not much of a movie buff, so the odd rental worked well enough. until now.

LuLu said...

Twat?? She must have really annoyed you! haha

sinlady said...

lulu - she did *sigh*

Anonymous said...
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