were the months
- New York was still in the grips of snow blizzard. It felt like a record setting amount of snow was being dumped on us.
- I visited my cousin and her family whom I had not seen in 10 years. I am proud and happy to see them comfortably settled in the new homeland after first arriving there 23 years ago as post graduate students.
- It goes without saying that the time spent with the old friends in Bakersfield who unreservedly rolled out the welcome mat will always be remembered with gratitude.
- The man has finally got his own reasons for making regular and frequent trips stateside. Strong enough pull factor to make him get around his dread of the long flight.
- It was good to come back for the second half of the Chinese New Year. It was especially fortuitous to be able to get together friends and family for dinner to close out the new year.
The year is starting out right in every way.
singapore... a place that i should be accustomed with... soon.
welcome back! - EDPJ
zewt - welcome!work?
edpj - :)
very nice. glad you made the trip. the snow, as dreary as it is, would have kinda made it memorable. :)
imp - east coast USA is an experience, and the snow is part of it :)
sounds like you'll be seeing your old friends a lot more often. :)
wildgoose - yes. they are in the plan :)
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