Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I want to know...

does this man's standing up for this man's lascivious behaviour make sense to anybody?


Anonymous said...

Jack Neo is turning out to be a local Tiger Woods. Now the tabloids are saying that there are at least 4 lovers!

dancingbunny said...

The lastest from asiaone says he had 11 women...

Women no enough. LOL
What a disgusting fellow!

suzie said...

probably got wat was wanted...ppl talking about them, more ppl now watching the movie because of the girl, and more ppl watching because of the news...just look at edison chen. and for tiger, at least now i'm paying attention to his looks and physique rather than his golfing skills..hehe

wildgoose said...

nope. makes you wonder why. =P
now I know why ppl in media corp were so sympathetic when chen jianbin was exposed for wanting to leave his wife for a much younger woman.

sinlady said...

edpj - actually too insulting to tiger woods to compare him with our own old lecher/sexual predator.

bunny - oh the circus has only just begun.

suziewong - haha. tiger woods easier to watch.

wildgoose - aiyoh. compare whimpering jack neo with chen jianbin?

Anonymous said...
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