Tuesday, November 21, 2006


She has the most dazzling smile and winsome personality. I first met her at a bellydance workshop for beginners in Singapore. I was drawn into the world of bellydance ever since.

So wh
en Keti came through Singapore one recent afternoon, I could not pass up the chance to see her again. She is as captivating as I remembered her - the delight in her voice, the enthusiasm in her work, the optimism in her future.

We caught up on news about each other.

I am a little saddened to hear Keti say she no longer dances.
Nowadays, she is busy with organising cultural and bellydance tours of Egypt . The rest of her time is taken up with dvd/cd production.

I had only ever known Keti as a dancer - a most beautiful and elegant bellydancer. But the look of contentment, certainty, and confidence on her face tells me she has moved on from bellydance to something that is more meaningful to her now.

I am happy for her.

(See Keti Sharif's Egyptian desert dance video clip here.)


wildgoose said...

Now you've reminded me that I took up bellydance after I saw Keti performing. She is beautiful to watch; and made the dance look so joyful. :)

3A Gurl said...

Nice to know that she is doing and looking well. Wanted to attend her thing too but was too pooped, and fighting a cold. Catch up with you soon.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - me too.Still think fondly of bellydance days with Keti.

3agurl - welcome back and get well soon.

Anonymous said...

So elegant, graceful and makes dancing look effortless.........

sinlady said...
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sinlady said...

vb - Keti is all of that. Take her bellydance tour.

Suzie Wong said...

Oh! MY first belly dance teacher....yes, don't i just adore her sun-shine ways, she's always so cheerful.

Watching the video makes me miss her. Her dance is so 'keti', can recognise even from her back.

sinlady said...

suziewong: I totally agree.